Saturday, August 22, 2009


Time flies so fast. August 9 was my mom's birthday, then I watched Lady GaGa in Araneta, then Hangover premiere then defense, they all felt like they just happened last week! there's only 2 weeks of school left, then September's a bum month.

My dad got annoyed because I kept bugging him about getting me employed. He told me to wait until after the graduation ceremony. Hello, that's not until October! I want to be employed by October.

My brother told me not to be in a hurry in working with the "formal stuff". He knew a lot of people who are professionals but didnt enjoy it so they lived on what they loved doing and now they are very successful and happy. Well, I like the outdoors and sports, but Im not a professional athlete and I have no money to fund my outdoor gigs. I like clothes and fashion but Im not artistic with it. I like music and I like to sing but I cant write my own songs nor make my own beat like Lady GaGa. I like to act but that's all good time acting with friends.

Im not really sure if I'd like to be in the world of finance. Honestly, the only reason I chose that course is because it has sure employment. But i wouldnt want to do things that Im not enjoying, right? BAHALA NA. maybe im just saying this because my experiences in undergrad. maybe everything will be different once i start working?

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