Tuesday, May 10, 2011


When a troubled person dies, his problem does not die along with him, no matter what the case may be. Even in his death, he would not be at peace, knowing that the people surrounding him would suffer the consequences. And he would only be at peace once his unfinished business has been resolved. We are not like Jesus, when He died for us, yes we were saved, but He could only die once and it is up to us to save our race.

I just hope, with all my heart and with all my might, that he and she will not leave this world passing their heavy burden to their children, who have learned from this experience, could have lived the life they have dreamed and worked hard for, but instead endured the pains from this unfinished business. Who would have thought there is such a thing as the perfect family? Even Jesus was born in a manger, His parents didnt have much, and He was a carpenter.

Now that he has only a few years to live (according to him due to his age, not his condition), his only wish is to leave the world with every problem solved. Currently I do not know what her wish is. Dear God, please bless this couple. They started out as happy lovers, they had almost everything, a happy family, steady income and now that their children have come of age, even as they've graduated, the problem has grown much worst. Please bless them that they wont lose hope, no matter how long it takes, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel, so keep walking, no matter how long the tunnel is.